Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Once A Mom, Always A Mom

So my 'baby' turned 24 a couple days ago. He was at the house for the weekend, to celebrate Mother's Day and his birthday. He actually IS a Mother's Day baby---one of the many profundities of my firstborn was born on the First Day of Spring, 1976, my last one born on Mother's Day, 1985. (Sorry, but I do not believe those are mere coincidences, but rather reflect the 'magic' of life). When I was a little girl, all I ever wanted to be was, #1, a teacher, and #2, a mommy. I got to be both! But my favorite job by far has been the mommy gig...
So anyway, when we were having Mother's Day/Birthday dinner, Zach told about the tradition at work whereby the Birthday Boy/Girl is supposed to bring in some kind of special treat. Last year, Zach didn't participate. He has no 'significant other' at this point in his life (who would happily put something together for him), doesn't consume fattening or sugary foods himself, and basically thinks that people should be bringing HIM stuff, not the other way around (I can see his point). Anyway, I suggested we stop at Sam's and pick up some cupcakes or something, and at some point we decided that I would bake his favorite cookie, Snickerdoodles, for his coworkers. So we got home from dinner, and I got right at it. I must admit I think they were the best batch of Snickerdoodles I've ever made----(must've been the organic cinnamon!) Zach texted me later in the day on his birthday, letting me know what a hit his Birthday Treat was, and I had to smile to myself----Who would've thought that 24 years after my last baby was born, I would still be making birthday treats? Yup, once a mom, always............

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