Sunday, February 28, 2010


I do believe in God.
I am not a sun-worshipper per se.
But, damn, the Sun is truly my friend.
Here in Vegas, we wake up to a blue sky nearly every day, and, as the sun rises behind the eastern mountains, it seems that within a few minutes its warmth begins to penetrate my physical self. My brain wakes up to its rays, and my heart beats just a touch faster, rushing warm blood throughout my veins. I feel good, I feel well, I feel alive, I feel HAPPY---all the way to my core.
We watch the weather news from back home----snow, snow and more snow----but even worse, to me, is the clouds, clouds, clouds, and more clouds.
Being in the Lansing area, the middle of Michigan's palm, we tend to get lots and lots of cloud cover and, in fact, Lansing rates second to Seattle's prize of highest number of cloudy days. I hate this; I abhor this. And, as we get older, I find that I can't tolerate it anymore. When we're 'stuck' in Michigan during the winter, I would like to crawl into the den of a black bear and stay there, comatose until the spring has arrived in full force.
Thankfully, we have our place out here in Vegas, and I am truly one grateful, thankful, happy girl.
Unfortunately, we are due to head back home in a week or so, and I am trying to gear myself up. Here in the sun, the cherry trees have begun to blossom, and leaf-buds are appearing on the trees. The sun's warmth has cranked up by just a few degrees, but still, we can feel it. It's like a miracle to me because I know this isn't going to happen 'at home' for another two months!
Like I said, though, I'm getting psychologically ready to go back. And I have to know that I can do this with a cheery demeanor. So, when we get home, I will busy myself with projects inside the house, trying to avoid the white and the gray just outside my windows.
And I promise I won't dwell on such things as snow-melt or crocuses, blue skies and bright Sun. But you can bet I'll notice it when they happen!

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